Vaiśeṣika Sūtra or Kanada sutra is the standard text of Vaisheshika school of philosophy. The sutra was authored by great sage Kanada..i got some interesting information from same..about newtons law of motion ....

Vaisheshika is one of the six Hindu schools of philosophy of India. Historically, it has been closely associated with the Hindu school of logic, Nyaya (syllogism, inference). The philosophers of this school used to debate on various subjects and try to achieve a conclusion.
The earliest systematic exposition of the Vaisheshika is found in the Vaiśeṣika Sūtra (600 BCE) of Kaṇāda (Ancient Indian Scientist and philosopher) .
Here are the Vaisheshika Sutras which describe the relation between force and motion :
1) वेगः निमित्तविशेषात कर्मणो जायते |
Meaning : Change of motion is due to impressed force.
(The law stated that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.)
2) वेगः निमित्तापेक्षात कर्मणो जायते नियतदिक क्रियाप्रबन्धहेतु |
Meaning : Change of motion is proportional to the impressed force and is in the direction of the force.
3) वेगः संयोगविशेषविरोधी |
Meaning : Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
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