The Beginning:
we know, Hinduism itself has no single founder. Its holiest scriptures,
the Vedas, are revelations of Supreme Wisdom, experienced by ancient
Indian sages, having evolved from the first sound or word ~”Aum”.
Therefore the “beginning” of time, marks the actual beginning of the
Hindu calendar.
when time itself has always existed as the Supreme and as it’s many
planetary creations, i.e. the sun that rises everyday and the moon
amongst others, one tends to ponder further…….
there different types of time –that of the earth and that of outer
space? Or shall we say “man’s time” and “God’s time”? How did the earth
begin, and what about the sun, the moon, and the stars? How did the
universe start? How far does the universe stretch? Are there other
universes? What or who is there beyond what we can see, feel or
decipher? While answers to some of these questions can be obtained from
any middle school science text book-they are all based on a theory,
popularly called The Big Bang Theory.
when proven by science become facts. At this time in history, when many
scientific theories are indeed beginning to prove to be facts, one
tends to wonder… What is it, that ancient Indian astronomy has taught us
all along? Were they mainly theories of our ancient rishis, or true
messages from the highest source of all knowledge? How can we prove or
disprove them? Can we check them out?
Birth of the Calendar:
sages have taught us that each cycle of time is divided into ages
called Yugas. The four Yugas are the Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali.
Each of these are hundreds of thousands of years old, all adding up
mathematically to – a lengthy, yet precise figure, to the last digit.
Many are appalled by this perfect calculation including noted scientist
Carl Sagan who quotes in his book ‘Billions and Billions’ ”The Hindus
(were)…….almost right on the dot”. Surely then our sages were not
working on a theory of their own!
the creation of the universe is mentioned in the Rig Veda as starting
with Hiranyagarbha or the ‘golden egg/womb of light’ from which all else
spurt forth. Scriptures also talk of the primal seed of creation
(Bindu) from which an explosion (Sphota) occurred, resulting in the
sound (Nada) of creation (Om). All of creation (Kala) proceeded from
this sound.
a more earthly level of our transient existence, the sun and the moon
do lead us from day to night and then to day again. Ocean tides, animal
breeding and even our minds and bodies with its hormones follow certain
solar and lunar rhythms. They react to disturbances with cyclical ups
and downs. Additionally, the position of the earth, the sun and the
moon, with respect to each other also assure us of certain predictable
time estimations and divisions, and hence a calendar.
Basis of the Hindu Calendar (Panchang):
solar calendar which counts the period of earth’s revolution around the
sun as one year divides this period into 12 solar months (of 30 days
each). The lunar calendar on the other hand, counts the period of moon’s
revolution around the earth as one lunar month (27 and ½ days ), and
names each day on the basis of the phases of the moon. Calendars used
today are luni-solar, which look at the daily movements of both the moon
and the sun. Early mention of a luni-solar calendar with intercalated
months can be traced to the hymns of the Rig Veda.
of ancient astronomy records that the solar calendar came into use
before the lunar one. In fact the celebration of the winter solstice
(earth’s tilt in relation to the sun) marked by the festival of Lohri is
based on the solar aspects of the calendar in parts of Punjab, Kerala,
Assam and Tamil Nad. Though, much of India follows the predominantly
lunar calendar, yet it is not uncommon for people to refer to both
calendars, especially to doubly confirm auspicious timings for, say,
starting a new business or fixing a wedding date!
Naming of Various Hindu Calendars:
luni-solar calendar, believed to be the most ancient recorded calendar,
was in use 5108 years ago (at the time of the Mahabharata war). The
Sapt-Rishi Samvat, which is still followed in northern India,
particularly Kashmir, began 5085 years ago.
the Gregorian calendar used in the modern world marks the time elapsed
since the birth of Jesus, 2009 years ago, it was generally the
commencement of the rule of a new king that marked the start of a
particular new calendar in India.
Vikram Samvat calendar follows the beginning of the rule of King
Vikramaditya 2066 years ago. The Shalivahana Saka calendar follows the
beginning of the rule of Ujjain’s King Shalivahana (Vikramaditya’s
grandson), who defeated the Sakas 1931 years ago. Additionally the Gupta
Era started 1689 years ago, the Harsha Era 1403 years ago and the
Kollam era (Kolamba Varsha) 1185 yrs ago!
even though the Vikram Samvat Panchang is used by a larger number of
people, (when India is taken as a whole), the official calendar for
India follows the Shalivahan Shakha Panchang adopted by the Calendar
Reforms Committee and superimposed onto the internationally used modern
day Gregorian calendar.
founding of the new eras in the name of kings, perhaps, signified the
importance attributed to the tradition of guarding the country’s freedom
and sovereignty. Since in the past, India was actually ruled by several
kingdoms, it is not at all surprising that we still have more than one
calendar in use. Notwithstanding the controversies generated by diverse
cultures and regions, most, if not all the calendars, agree on major
holy days and festivals, with minor local variations.
Calendar Reform:
astronomy underwent a reform about 1800 years ago as advances in
Babylonian and Greek astronomy became known. This is documented in
astronomical literature of this period known as Siddhantas. The Surya
Siddhanta, which originated about 1600 years ago was updated during the
following centuries and influenced Indian calendars even after India’s
popular Calendar Reform of 1957, which surveyed about 30 calendars in
use for setting festivals of Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs taking
into account astronomical practices of those making calendars and the
prevailing local traditions and customs. Some of these were even used
for national events.
Astronomical New Year:
of the year or the type of calendar followed i.e. solar, lunar or
luni-solar, the dates and timings of important astronomical movements of
stars and planets such as the full Moon and the new Moon remains the
same and heralds a new season or a New Year. In this context, the
astronomical new year is specifically marked by the spring equinox
(position of the sun when it crosses the equator and heads north)!
most calendars start the new year in March/April (the lunar month of
Chaitra), some begin the new year on April 13/14 (the solar month of
Mesha/Medham) and a few others begin in September/October or November.
Reading a Hindu Calendar:

Below is a brief introduction to the basic facts and figures of a Luni-Solar Hindu Calendar, especially for beginners:
(named after Zodiac signs)
Mesha/Medham*- after precessional adjust.
*Month in which the New Year begins according to new kingdoms and before/ after astronomical precessional adjustments.
Lunar Month and fortnights
lunar month is divided into two fortnights or Pakshs, and 30 lunar days
or “tithis” which is roughly equal to 27 and a half solar days. The
Pakshs are Krishna Paksh (KP) or dark fortnight and Shukla Paksh (SP) or
bright fortnight. Krishna Paksh starts in the fortnight when the moon
wanes (decreases) and ends on Amavasya, when there is no moon. The next
day with the beginning of the small new moon the Shukla Paksh starts
again , which ends on a the full moon day called Purnima, at the end of
the fortnight.
Lunar days of a fortnight
The 15 days of both the bright and the dark fortnights each month are called as follows:
The first day - Pratipada
Second day - Dvitya
Third day -Tritiya
Fourth day -Chaturthi
Fifth day -Panchami
Sixth day -Shashti
Seventh day -Saptami
Eighth day -Ashtami
Ninth day -Navami
Tenth day -Dashami
Eleventh day -Ekadashi
Twelfth day -Dvadashi
Thirteenth day -Trayodashi
Fourteenth day -Chaturdashi
Fifteenth day of bright fortnight -Purnima
Fifteenth day of dark fortnight -Amavasya
Lunar Constellations (Nakshatra) of a lunar month
are stars that form a pattern. They are 27 in number and are called
Nakshatras. Their names and meanings are as follows:
The Circle of 27 Nakshatras with Reference to the Earth
1. Aswini (swift mover)
2. Bharani (bearer)
3 Krittika (cutter)
4. Rohini (red one)
5. Mrigisira (deer head)
6. Ardra (Moist)
7. Punarvasu (good again)
8. Pushya (nourishing or flower)
9. Aslesha (entwiner)
10. Magha (mighty)
11. Purva Phalguni (former red one )
12. Uttara Phalguni (latter red one)
13. Hasta (hand)
14. Chitra (brilliant)
15. Swati (good goer)
16. Vishaka (forked)
17. Anuradha (success)
18. Jyestha (eldest)
19. Moola (root)
20. Purvashada (former unsubdued)
21. Uttarashada (latter unsubdued)
22. Shravana (ear)
23. Dhanishta (wealthy)
24. Satbisha (100 physicians for healing)
25. Purva Bhadrapada (former beautiful foot )
26. Uttara Bhadrapada (latter beautiful Foot )
27. Revati (wealthy)
constellations are universal and are pronounced differently in various
parts of India, for eg: Purva Phalguni is also called Pubba or Puram .
In the western world they are referred by totally different names , for
eg: Ardra is termed Betelgeuse!
The Twelve Zodiac signs:
and a quarter constellations or nakshatras go to form one Zodiac sign
or Rashi. For eg: Ashwini, Bharani and a portion of Krittika form Mesha
Rashi (ie Aries). There are 12 Rashis or Zodiac signs as follows:
Mesha - Aries
Vrishabha – Taurus
Mithuna – Gemini
Kataka – Cancer
Simha – Leo
Kanya – Virgo
Thula - Libra
Vrischika – Scorpio
Dhanur -Sagitarius
Makara –Capricon
Kumba –Aquarius
Meena -Pisces
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