Creationism vs Evolution has always been a topic of hot debate between religious views and modern scientists. Why?
Because science claims that human beings are the most advanced living beings and are evolved in the process of evolution and that has been clearly explained and proved in the form of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, but these religions preach that God “created” humans and sent them to the earth. It might come as a surprise to many people, but Indians actually explained Darwin’s theory of Evolution much before Darwin!
This is in accordance with many other scientific discoveries/inventions that Indians made thousands of years before modern scientists.
So how does Indians explain Darwin’s theory of evolution? Let me backtrack a little, for the readers who are not familiar with mythology – God Vishnu (one of the trinity in Hinduism) is said to incarnate on Earth periodically and in various “forms” (Avatars). The “forms” might be some animal form or human or humanoid forms. Indians have discovered and documented the biological theory of evolution and these stories are just a form of easy documentation.
According to the modern theory of evolution, Homo Sapiens are actually chordates and first chordates started out as Fish in the water and went through many different stages {Pisces (fish), Amphibians (frogs etc), Reptiles, Aves (birds), Mammals (monkeys, man etc)} before finally evolving into Homo sapiens sapiens, the most modern man. Now let’s get to the actual details. I’ll explain each stage of the evolution first as described by modern science and then as described by Ancient Indian texts :

Stage 1 - Chordates (Fish)
Modern Science:
Proto-Amphibians that primarily lived in the water, this can be seen as the first stage of life. Examples are prehistoric fishes.
The very first incarnation of Vishnu was Matsya avatar and Matsya literally means Fish. It clearly parallels with the scientific view.
Matsya Avatar
Stage 2 - Tetrapodes (Reptiles with legs)
Modern Science:
Fish finally evolved out of water became Reptiles (with legs to be accurate). The examples are tortoise, lizards etc.
Second avatar of Vishnu is Kurma. Kurma means Tortoise which is a reptile that walks on four legs. Again it’s a direct parallel with the scientific view.
Kurma Avatar
Stage 3 – Mammals
Modern Science:
Reptiles evolved into the semi-amphibian and then the animals that live in swamps and slush and that could bear children and lived only on the land.
Varaha (Boar) avatar represents land dwelling Mammals. You may ask – why Boar? Why not a deer or monkey or some other mammal? The reason is that Boar belongs the the “Suina” family whose maxillary or teeth are in front and therefore they do not have to swallow and regurgitate their food just like us humans! It’s extremely enlightening to note that Hinduism had such a very insightful knowhow thousands of years ago!
Varaha Avatar
Stage 4 - Primates (to Hominidae)
Modern Science:
Finally primates were evolving into Hominidae forms that looked more like humans, were partially bipedalled (walk on legs) but their brains were still not quite developed. They can be figuratively seen as having partly human lower body and animal like upper body.
Narasimha avatar is a more abstract representation of a Hominidae that is half human and half animal. The interesting thing to note here is that Narasimha has the upper body of a lion but lower body of a man. This is important because this directly relates to the idea of a pre-human without a well developed brain but with the partial ability to become bipedal (walk on legs). Also, Lion was used because it’s primarily a carnivore just like the early Hominidae. Another interesting observation is that the Narasimha avatar is characterized by being in the “middle” of two things (being neither and midway) and that directly correlates to Hominidae that is about halfway though to being human! So, Narasimha is a perfect way to explain the pre-Homo Erectus form.
Narasimha Avatar
Stage 5 - Hominidae before Homo Erectus (more like humans but much shorter)
Modern Science:
Finally Hominidae got closer to Homo Erectus was evolved. He was bipedal (walk on legs) more human looking but very short (dwarf).
Vamana avatar represents a being that is very close to humans but is extremely short. I guess, the parallel is obvious!
Vamana Avatar
Stage 6 - Homo Erectus (to Homo Sapiens)
Modern Science:
Homo Erectus and then Homo Sapien was evolved that was about as tall as present day humans and could use tools. Homo Sapien is the present day human and biological evolution ends and at this stage the human might have a wavering mind, uncontrollable and act without reasons.
Parashurama avatar represents a man with an Axe. As you notice, unlike earlier Avatars, this is the first avatar of Vishnu that has no animal characteristics and wields an Axe. So basically, Parashuaram is what the current day human would be who could also use tools, in other words Homo Sapien. Again, the Avatar as described by Hinduism matches perfectly with the description of Homo Sapien!
Parasurama Avatar
Stage 7 - Homo Sapiens exterminate Homo Neanderthalensis
Modern Science:
There were other “types” of humans evolving in parallel to Homo Sapiens, they are called Homo Neanderthalensis. So, another step in biosocial evolution is the extinction of Homo Neanderthalensis so that only Homo Sapiens (us) remained. These “other humans” had distinctly different bone structures and body types and it’s not a far stretch of imagination to realize that these “other humans” can very well be the “demons” (asuras) mentioned in Hinduism.
At this stage the humans developed to be perfect and they started giving importance to penance than the pleasure and started respecting other humans. The survival of the fittest started here and this led to mutinies between mankind. This was the beginning.
According to mythology, suras (gods) and asuras (demons) had been warring since the start of time and it’s the Lord Rama (7th avatar of Vishnu) that finally killed all the asuras so that human beings can live in peace. Again a direct parallel.
Rama Avatar
Stage 8 - Advanced in civilizations and culture and to todays world
Modern Science:
Mankind never stopped since they learned to use tools and all the Neanderthalensis were eliminated. Civilizations were formed, wars were fought, kingdoms were born and finally the world is as we see it today. The chief characteristic here is the increasing complexity of life and society. The perfect human with cleverness and ability to think and win developed at this stage. The humans started loving music, dance, etc…
Krishna’s incarnation represents the stage where the world was in Treta Yuga and therefore far more complex than the Satya Yuga. Recent excavations of Dwarka city confirm the well planned construction of cities, towns and streets. This was the starting of a well developed civilization.
Krishna Avatar
Stage 9 – Again to Peace
Modern Science:
Tranquility, submission, patience and passion for peace developed within mankind.
The ninth avatar was considered to be the Buddha Avatar. However some people claim that Lord Buddha was not an Avatar, some people consider that Buddha is an avatar of Lord Vishnu. Lord Buddha preached Non violence and peace to this world.
Buddha Avatar
Stage 10: End of the World
Modern Sciences:
According to Big Bang theory and other Modern theories the universe is not stable. The life in world should end at one point and the creation starts from the beginning. This whole loop continues infinite times.
According to Hindu mythology Kalki avatar is yet to be taken and this occurs when the whole life on earth ends. The avatar destroys life on earth.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but the analogy is total bull shit! All the avatars are supposed to be incarnated to defeat Asuras or demons and that means there already exists more complex forms of life. But I do appreciate your line of thinking :-)