The ancient Indians secretive of their knowledge sonically encrypted mathematical formulas into their devotional hymns to Lord Shri Krishna and also recorded historical data in the codified lyrics. Obviously that was the base for the knowledge of encryption of datas also.
Kaṭapayādi System of numerical notation is an ancient Indian system to depict letters to numerals for easy remembrance of numbers as words or verses. Assigning more than one letter to one numeral and nullifying certain other letters as valueless, this system provides the flexibility in forming meaningful words out of numbers which can be easily remembered.

The oldest available evidence of the use of Kaṭapayādi System is from Grahacāraṇibandhana by Haridatta in 683 CE. It has also been used in Laghubhāskariyavivarana written by Sankaranārāyana in 869 CE.
Some argue that the system originated from Vararuci.In some astronomical texts popular in Kerala planetary positions were encoded in Kaṭapayādi system. The first such work is considered to be the Chandra-vakyani of Vararuci, who is traditionally assigned to the fourth century CE. Therefore, sometime in the early first millennium is a reasonable estimate for the origin of the KaṭapayādiSystem.
Aryabhata, in his treatise Aryabhatiya, is known to have used a similar but more complex system to represent astronomical numbers.
The Sanskrit Consonants (‘aa’ phonetics):
The “ka-ta-pa-ya-di” rule used by ancient Indian mathematicians and grammarians is a tool to map names to numbers. Writing the consonants of the sanskrit alphabet as four groups with “Ka, Ta, Pa, Ya” as the begining letters of the groups we get
The Katapayadi Shankya:
Now, each letter of the group is numbered from 1 through 9 and 0 for the tenth letter. Thus, ka is 1, sa is 7, ma is 5, na is 0 and so on. So to indicate the number 356 for example one would try and come up with a word involving the third, fifth and sixth letters of the groups like “gaNitam” or “lESaca”.
However, in the Indian tradition, the digits of a number are written left to right in the increasing order of their place value – exactly opposite the way we are used to writing in the western way. Therefore 356 would be indicated using letters in the 6th, 5th, and 3rd positions of the group e.g. “triSUlaM”.
Here is an actual verse of spiritual content, as well as secular mathematical significance:
“gopi bhagya madhuvrata
srngiso dadhi sandhiga
khala jivita khatava
gala hala rasandara”
The translation is as follows: “O Lord anointed with the yoghurt of the milkmaids’ worship (Krishna), O savior of the fallen, O master of Shiva, please protect me.”
Vowels make no difference and it is left to the author to select a particular consonant or vowel at each step. This great latitude allows one to bring about additional meanings of his choice. For example kapa, tapa, papa, and yapa all mean 11.
Now the interesting fact is that when you start numbering the consonants with the respective numbers from go = 3, pi = 1, bha =4 , ya = 1 , ma = 5 , duv = 9 and so on. you will end with the number 31415926535897932384626433832792.
Can you guess what the number represents???
This is the decimal equivalent of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Which you call it as “pi” in modern calculations. The above number gives the accurate value of pi/10 correct to 31 decimal places. Isn’t it interesting???
Thus, while offering mantric praise to Godhead in devotion, by this method one can also add to memory significant secular truths.
Also not only did the code give pi up to 32 decimal places , but there was a secret Master key within the patterning of the 32 that could unlock the next 32 decimals of the pi, and so on. A trick to infinity…
The Code not only praised Krishna, it operated on another level as a dedication to Lord Shankara or Shiva.
Mohammad Ibna Musa ...In 825 AD one Arab mathematician said: “This value has been given by the Hindus [Indians]
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