Friday 9 August 2013

Vedic Chants and Positive Influence on Human Minds

Ancient vedic chants are said to bring positive influence on human minds and actions. It is said that they were designed (or written) to be so – pools of positive energy stimulating and encouraging our minds to be good, to do good and to feel good. But till yesterday modern science was rejecting this claim. But a recent Russian discovery has proved that human DNA is like a biological internet which listens to external sound vibrations and behaves accordingly, as if it is being directed and told to perform so.

Now if I say that Vedic texts had already told this, that vedic chants can influence human actions and bring in positive mood, will it be fair to accuse me of making use of a modern discovery to prove an ancient point. Weren't the ancient texts already saying this? While modern science till yesterday was saying that 90% of human DNA was junk, the above said and other recent discoveries have only proved that Modern science till now actually did not understand 90% of the DNA. Even today Modern science is unable to explain how did the human brain suddenly evolve so large and so organized to make us an intelligent species!

Please note that Modern Science is still evolving and not perfect. It has not answered ALL the questions. There is a difference between the science we know and the actual science according to which nature functions. What we called as science during the days of Ptolemy is not science today. Einstein proved Newton wrong, and quantum mechanics may prove Einstein wrong. What we know as science today may not remain so tomorrow. Humanity is still on the path of understanding nature. We have hundreds of unanswered questions in all fields of science. So in the name of science (like how fanatics do in the name of God) let us not outrightly reject all the ancient knowledge as nonsense, we need to remember that while our modern science has evolved only in the past 500 years or so, there are ancient civilizations which have lived for thousands of years continuously, and so there are greater possibilities that they knew much better than us.


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