Friday 9 August 2013

Indian Vedic Astrology, Science Behind It

Indian Astrology- Science Behind It, Validated by Newton' Law also as many people trust western sciences more than vedic science,for the this is an eye opener

"I got great marks in the Exam"-Lucky Man
"I got a Job Today, don't know how"- Lucky You
"I studied very hard for the exam, still got passing marks"- Damn Luck
"I did great in the interview, still not selected for job"-Bad Luck

These are some form of conversation you might have also come across at some points of your life. Some are seen to praise their luck, others will be there standing and blaming their fate. last they got some one to blame for their Failures and self-appraise in case of success.

The word 'luck' or 'destiny' or 'fate' or 'fortune' are all synonyms used by man to describe his feelings of success and failures. The science which predicts the results in terms of success and failures in a person's life thereby giving and guiding him in a direction that will yield optimum results for him is known by the world as "ASTROLOGY" . There are different forms of Astrology such as Vedic Astrology, Tarot Cards, Hellenistic Astrology etc. used all over the globe that employ various methods and underlying principles to predicts happenings of future thereby giving direction to a person's life.

I can not say which is the superior or most correct among them but the most used Astrology Science in India is "Vedic Astrology" which definitely has a scientific principle supporting it. Vedic Astrology or Indian Astrology or Jyotish Vidya is based on a very basic principle that every planet or heavenly body in this universe affects the life of a person in one or other way since his birth on the planet "Earth". In simpler terms it also describes supreme relation between microcosm and macrocosm through several idioms and principles. 

On the basis of these principles it predicts the events of future in a person's life at that peculiar point of time.

Now lets see the Scientific Principle that supports this form of Astrology and which is given by none other than the most famous and respected physicist through out the world- NEWTON. Yes, Newton gave his famous 'Universal law of Gravitation' which states that 'every body in this universe attracts every other body with a force that is directly proportional to the masses of the body and inversely proportional to the square of the distances between them.' This means that every body in this universe is affected in one way or other by the presence of every other body in this universe. Lets analyze it with the help of an example-When a magnet is brought near another magnet not only magnetic force of whole magnet undergoes a change but simultaneously its elements also experiences a change. The same is the case of Human Beings living on earth. When Earth undergoes change, people living on it also experiences a change. Here is a diagram to illustrate my point.

Note: Human Blood has ample amount of iron in it. We also know that blood keeps flowing through the body and along with it iron also which give rise to magnetism phenomenon. This quantity of iron may not produce effect on others but is sufficient enough to be get affected from external magnetic forces.

Let have a glance at some more insights on this Scientific Principle of Astrology!!!

The roots of Vedic Astrology is based in principles which states that earth is affected by forces of other planets and heavenly bodies in our solar system AND every person on this earth since constitutes earth(through principle of microcosm and macrocosm) is also affected in one way or other. Mathematical Calculations have been done in vedic astrology only constituting the forces of planets and heavenly bodies that forms our solar systems and other heavenly objects outside our solar system are neglected due to their increasing distance from the earth. All these are depicted through common terms often heard off in connection with Indian Astrology such as Lagna, Nakshatra, Grahas, Rasis, Yogas etc.

Now one may wonder, what may happen as a result of these forces and how events can be predicted through them. There is no firm scientific principle available on this though research is going on to find some more deep insights on the subject. From my point of view, it is as follows- We know that every force has its own nature and characteristics. Also every object do not intrastate same kind of force in its realm. Now these forces with varying characteristics and nature affects particular object in a peculiar way of its own. Same thing happens with human beings also, these heavenly forces affects out thoughts, mind, health, habits etc. giving a direction to them and increasing a probability of ending us into particular happening (may be good or bad). Our actions also influence these force's nature for e.g.- if we do good deeds, we feel happy and its generate special type of chemicals in our body that affects our mood, health, if we do exercise daily we feel strong and healthy. So a healthy person will undergoes an opposite effect of a force from that of a weak person. It can be understood in same way that too much rain might be good for Paddy Crops(rice) but can be bad for cucumber or Some time Rains ends Drought and Other time Rains bring Floods.

Friends, this Vedic Astrology is given by Ancient Indian Sages and rishis thousand of years ago. They were scientists and genius who through their immense research have found relation between behavior of man on account of forces that affects them on the basis of mathematical calculation of positions of heavenly bodies in the universe. This gem of knowledge is passed on from generation to generation since thousand years is both science with respect to its principles and is an art in respect of quality of human life. 

In the end I want to conclude that Astrology can help you to achieve results with success but can not bring you the very success. At the end of the day it is your hard work and determination only that can do magic for you. 


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  5. Nice blog, you are right. Astrology is important part of Indian culture. Astrology can solve all problems like Career problem solutions, Financial problem solution etc.


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